St Luke’s is a church with a lot of heart. We are open for various groups throughout the week including Front Room for anyone who is lonely and Busy Bees for toddlers and their grown ups. All are groups are open to new people and friendly for those with mental health struggles or different abilities.
Everyone who comes makes our groups better and has something unique to offer. We firmly believe in giving everyone a chance to make their own life better, supporting them along the way and making a positive contribution to our community.
Welcome to St Luke’s Downham: Rev. Nick and the team are really pleased you have joined us for our service today and hope you feel at home. Everyone is welcome at St Luke’s regardless of ages, backgrounds, needs, experiences and faith.
Here at St Luke’s, we try to combine an accessible, informal and friendly church community with some of the more traditional things you might associate with church and the Christian faith – such as robes, liturgy (prayers and responses) and various symbols.
Accessibility/Multi-Sensory Resources:
If adults or children need to use multi-sensory resources to help feel comfortable, stay focused and engaged these are available at the back, including ear defenders, sensory aids, fidget toys, rosary prayer beads and holding crosses. We also have some mindfulness colouring resources and felt pens.
All the words of our service, including songs, are displayed on the screens and Rev. Nick will guide us through the parts to join in – feel free to say these as loud as you wish!