St Luke’s is a Church of England congregation from the Catford (Southend) and Downham team ministry in the Diocese of Southwark. We are small but active and caring church where everyone is welcome.

Our Vision:

Jesus said: “I have come that people may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance to the full, till it overflows.” John 10:10

“LIFE at St Luke’s” – Our vision is for St Luke’s to be a place of life for all who come to our church and to be a source of life for our local community.

L – Loving God and Others
I – Inviting
F – Following Jesus Together
E – Economy

Loving God and Others; Having Love for God and Love for Our Neighbour as our foundation; Providing activities and services that show love to all, in particular the most vulnerable in our community

Inviting people to encounter Jesus – having conversations with those around us about our faith, praying for people (when they are open), inviting people to church; Offering a welcoming space and activities for the community.

Following Jesus Together – Building a culture of generosity where everyone has a place, with everyone enabled to be involved in the life of St Luke’s. Helping people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds to grow as followers of Jesus

Economy – Using the resources God has given us wisely – our building, finances, people, skills. Playing a part in seeking the peace, prosperity and welfare of Downham, including social enterprises which raise funds for community work and generate wealth/opportunities for the community.