Busy Bees

Thursdays term time 10-11.30am Stay and play group for parents, carers and childminders to connect with other local families and take part in play based activities.

Youth Cafe

Fridays during term time 3.30-5.30pm at St Marks. Social interaction group for ages 8 plus, offering board games, consoles, arts and food.

Messy Church

Once a month on a Wednesday is at St Marks Church. A chance for families to gather together to enjoy some messy arts and craft activities with a short informal church talk followed by a meal.

Forest Church

Saturday mornings 11-12.30pm. We meet at Forster Memorial Park in the spring, summer and autumn to explore God in His natural surroundings. Short activities are followed by a group discussion and refreshments are enjoyed together after.

Sunday Worship 11-12pm

We do not offer a traditional Sunday School, instead we prefer the children to stay in the main church with us so they can participate and feel included in our church community. We have two areas for children to enjoy with themed worksheets, arts, playdough, sensory toys and a small soft play area. We are a non shhh church and encourage children to ask questions and move around freely.

There is no booking required for any of the above groups and we do not charge any fees for our groups. However we do appreciate your donations and any money received goes back into the children’s work we do.

We are open, inclusive and welcome all to join our church community. We are SEN aware and disability friendly.

If you have any questions about our youth work or accessibility, please contact our children and accessibility team.

Alternatively you can contact 07957635918 for faster assistance.

You can find more information on our work with Children, Youth and Families and keep up to date with events by following us on our social media platforms