So you would like to start reading the Bible but perhaps you are unsure where to start, or maybe you’ve tried and struggled in the past but want to give it another go. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Remember that the Bible is a library of 66 books rather than a single book. Some books are short, some long, some simple and some really complicated, some are history, others are poems or songs. You don’t have to start at the beginning and work your way through and you don’t have to finish one book before you move to another.
  • Version: It is a good idea to find a translation or version that is easy for you to read – don’t feel you have to read ‘ye olde English’ versions if you struggle. I’d recommend either the New International Version (NIV), New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), Good News or New Living Translation. If you need an easier to read version of the Bible, a large print version, or even one in your own language, feel free to ask one of the priests at church or contact the office and we will get one for you. 
  • Where to Start: The best place to start is with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) – these tell the life story of Jesus, who is the central character of the Christian faith. The Gospels are written with different aims in mind – Mark is the ‘highlights reel’; Luke is the in depth historical account; Matthew is aimed at Jewish readers; and John is more poetic and big picture.
  • Reading Plan: A bible reading plan can really help you to get a picture of the overall story of the Bible – the Bible project is a really great resource and has loads of different ideas:
  • Questions: Having questions about the things you read is fantastic and is encouraged – if you read something you are unsure of, or have questions about the Christian faith – please do ask me (I love being asked questions about the Bible), either via email, phone or ask me at church.
  • Prefer to watch/listen/read on your phone: You can also watch films of the Gospels via a resource called LUMO (available on Youtube) and a series called The Chosen (an app is available); and you can listen to the Bible being read via:

If you have questions about the Christian faith or would like to found out about our weekly Bible study groups and other learning opportunities, please contact Rev Nick (the vicar).